Welcome to Our Football Academy Services in Spain

At our agency, we specialize in representing up-and-coming football talent and helping them navigate the intricate world of professional football in Spain. Whether you're a young player aiming to make your mark or an established athlete seeking new challenges, our comprehensive services at RD Global Sports, our football Academy in Spain ensure your career is always on the right path.


Improve Your Career with Our Spain Football Academy Services

Contract Negotiations and Representation

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Entering the world of professional football requires not just skill on the field but also expert negotiation off it. At our football academy in Spain, we provide seasoned contract negotiation assistance, ensuring that your talents are rewarded with the best possible terms. Our representation services are tailored to advocate for your interests both on and off the pitch.


Intermediation and Transfers

Transfers are pivotal moments in any footballer’s career. Our team ensures smooth transitions by handling all aspects of player transfers, including liaising with clubs and managing legal formalities. Our intermediation service supports you through every step, making your move seamless and straightforward.


Legal Support and Immigration Services

Our legal team specializes in providing comprehensive support that covers all the essentials — from immigration issues and visa applications to consultative legal advice tailored to the world of professional sports. With us, you’re always assured that your legal affairs are in capable hands.

Marketing and Branding Opportunities at RD Global Sports

Media Opportunities and Management

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We help you harness the power of the media to build a lasting image. Our football academy in  Spain offers media management services that amplify your presence, ensuring you receive the exposure you deserve.

Image Rights and Sponsorship

Protecting and capitalizing on your image is crucial. We negotiate image rights and sponsorship deals that reflect your value and aspirations. Our approach ensures that your public persona and career objectives align perfectly.


Merchandising and Advertising Deals

We extend your reach beyond the field with strategic merchandising and advertising partnerships. These deals not only enhance your visibility but also provide substantial financial benefits.


Enhancing Your Skills Through Stages, Trials, and Tournaments

Development is a continuous process at our football academy. We organize tours, trials, and participation in world-class academies and stages to sharpen your skills and showcase your talent on international platforms.

Comprehensive Business and Career Planning

Business Plan and Brand Development

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Your career is a business, and like any business, it needs a strategic plan. Our team assists you in developing a robust business plan and a personal brand that stands out in the competitive sports market.


Database and Analytics for Performance Enhancement


Utilizing cutting-edge technology, our database and analytics services help track your performance, providing insights that aid in continuous improvement and strategic career decisions.

Global Networking through Our Football Academy in Spain

Building a robust network is crucial in the world of professional football. At our football academy in Spain, we prioritize connecting our players with influential figures, clubs, and organizations worldwide. Our extensive network opens doors to unique opportunities, allowing you to engage with top-tier professionals and gain invaluable exposure on the global stage.

Personalized Career Guidance and Mentorship

Each athlete's journey is unique, which is why we provide personalized mentorship programs tailored to your specific needs and career goals. Our experienced mentors, who are former professional players and seasoned sports executives, offer guidance, share insights, and support you through the complexities of professional sports.

Financial Planning and Investment Advice for Footballers

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Understanding the financial aspect of your career is just as important as your performance on the field. Our team offers expert financial planning services designed to secure your earnings and ensure long-term stability. We guide you through investment opportunities that align with your career span and post-career life, helping you achieve financial independence.


Comprehensive Insurance Plans to Protect Your Career


In a sport as demanding as football, ensuring your career against injuries is essential. We provide comprehensive insurance plans that protect you financially in case of injuries or unexpected events. This protection allows you to focus solely on your game, knowing that your professional interests are safeguarded.

Educational Programs and Life Skills Training

We believe in the holistic development of our players at our football academy in Spain. Alongside football training, we offer educational programs that prepare you for life outside the pitch. From completing your education to acquiring life skills essential for managing your career and personal life, our academy ensures you are well-prepared for the future.

Transition Programs for Post-Career Success

Planning for your life after football is vital. We provide specialized transition programs that help you shift smoothly into post-career opportunities. Whether it's coaching, sports management, or another field, we support you in developing new skills and finding a fulfilling career path post-retirement.

At our football academy in Spain, we are committed to providing a holistic service that supports every aspect of your football career. Contact us today to find out how we can help you achieve your goals and take your career to the next level.